daVinci Robotic Surgery

Da Vinci robotic surgery is a minimally invasive surgical technique that assists surgeons in performing complex procedures with greater precision and control. The system comprises a console where the surgeon sits and maneuvers robotic arms that hold surgical instruments. High-definition 3D cameras provide a magnified view of the surgical site, enhancing visibility. The video shown here is complements of intuitive surgical and highlights the parts of the robotic system.

In urology, the da Vinci system is commonly used for simple and radical prostatectomy, total and partial nephrectomy, and bladder surgery including complete removal of the bladder. We also employ the robotic technique for benign disease such as pyeloplasty for repair of uretero-pelvic-junction-obstruction.

The key benefits of da Vinci robotic surgery include reduced blood loss, shorter recovery times, minimized pain, and smaller incisions compared to traditional open surgery. It is no longer the future, it is now simply the way we operate for the majority of our major cancer operations.

Discover more at Intuitive.com

Surgery on a Grape?

Want to see just how delicate the robotic instruments can be? Here is another video complementary of intuitive surgical of a surgeon peeling a grape with the robot.

Robotic Dexterity

A video showing the dexterity and fine motor movement of the robotic instruments, another video complementary of Intuitive Surgical.